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G sp. Tapajos Tank Size and Qs


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Ive got a 4 ft tank available and i want to turn it into a Rio Tapajos biotope with Geophagus sp. Tapajos, Dicrossus maculatus and a school of lemon tetras. I was just wondering whether its ok to house the Geos in that sized tank, or should i sell the 4 and upgrade to a 5L x 2W x 18"H and sump it? obviously the second option is probably better, but of course, time and cost are big factors. By the way, im not sure if that tank size i want is particularly common, i want 2ft wide but not high.

I was thinking 4 - 6 juveniles.

I think i can source the D. maculatus and tetras, but the Geos might be a problem, can anyone suggest a place to look for quality, G. sp Tapajos?




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Depending on the other dimensions (height and width) of your 4 footer it should be fine for a group of 4 to 6 Tapajos. I had a group of 6 or 7 adults and 20 Melanotaenia australis in a 5 x 18 x 20 and there was enough room for 3 pairs to spawn at the same time without any agro.

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yeh, its i think 15w x 18h unfortunately,

How would they go in that size? i would have only a small corner planted for the D. maculatus, so the tank would be virtually theirs. (in theory!)

Also if i got juvies i would have time to upgrade.

Andrew seems to be our saving grace doesnt he! Good excuse to go for a 1000km roadtrip in the new VF SS Commodore?? unless he ships haha.

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