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What low wattage pumps are people using?


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Hi Mike,

The Aquael pumps are garnering a lot of attention. The best part is they come with a flow controller and the power consumption reduces with the flow. They can also be used as a submersible or externally/inline.


Jebao is another brand with that is very low consumption.



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HI Michael,I've started using Jebao because of the low wattage and are very quiet.I know a couple of people that had problems with them but my 4 ones have been fine over the last 18 months.Also they're quite cheap on Ebay.

Cheers Glen

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i bought a boyu pump 10,000l/ph i think its 75w.but it blew up after 8 months.bought from ebay i thought great im covered think again contacted the seller,ebay emails back and forwrds the pump is still sitting in my garage.the ad said ships from sydney but i must send it back to china the price of that is unknown at this time.but i find these electronic pumps craP em selves fairly quickly.i found a split in the side to my knowledge id say it was the capacitor.cant repair it either its a resin sealed unit.

ebay seller is captain????? beware of electronic pumps id rather go back tp 155w like the laguna had one for years never missed a beat.

sorry for the rant and getting off topic

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There are thousands of bad stories about those boyu pumps and their suppliers.

Just a note to all about pumps for those who don't yet know.

People go for low wattage pumps to draw less power,,, and that's all good.

But know that low wattage pumps have low head height pressure.

This means that because the pump in its given situation doesn't need to pump water up high the motor can be a less powerful one that's needs less power to run.

On the other hand, a pump that needs to send water up high needs a powerful motor that draws more power hence a higher wattage rating.

Soooo, to sum it up, a low wattage pump is better for ponds and single tanks.

And high wattage pumps are good for breeding rooms with a centrifugal sump sending water all the way up to top tiered tanks.

Sometimes a low wattage will be used for a bit of head height but the pump size will be upgraded for head height pressure loss which undermines the benefit of low wattage.

If the low wattage pump is loaded up with head height and is just doing the job,,, then the pump can bake and overheat then seize due to excessive load.

Cheap pumps don't have a thermal cut out overload auto switch on them,,, so they overheat, swell up and split down the sides.

When selecting a pump,,, don't go by the wattage,,,, carefully calculate your requirements by the graph on the box side to formulate your choice.

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Intangcity, I was just feeding out info.

I don't know the specifications of boyu pumps anyway.

I've read a lot of reviews on them with a lot of negative feed back on quality and service.

I think the company may have closed down, but the scattered goods are still bing sold.

I know enough about pumps as I've cooked so many lol.

My head height to pump is 2.56 meters in breed room.

For a long time I've waisted power in my koi ponds using high head pumps also.

It took a lot of mistakes till I woke up and got the right pumps in their right places. Lol.

Some products are just crappy,,,,, I really have found though the more $$ paid on a pump the less problems.

Some Chinese gear can be good then the next batch of them are crap as they do profit inspections to make cheaper by changing material on parts when they discover a way.

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