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Mbuna stocking/specie


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hey guys!, im planning to set a 4ft x 2ft aquarium, i would like to set up a specie only tank and still make it look colorful, what mbuna specie have different color through gender? eg the

"msobo" or "johannii"? I'd like the fish to be a Dark colour, or more popping?

Thanks in advance!

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It's a little hit and miss with dimorphic species as sometimes an overly dominant male can make the other males take on the female or juvenille colours. So you end up will one blue and ten yellow fish!!

Personally, In your tank size, I would go with dwarf mbunas like saulosi as the main species but add some Afra cobue to ensure a nice colour contrast and maybe some Synodontis lucipinnus to keep the population of saulosi under control.

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