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Tropheus in their natural habitat.


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So who has it and who has read it?

I have had mine for a while now and started reading it tonight. Some super information in it explaining the species differences and how each species coexist with others.

What do others think?

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Josh I have the iBook version and it is a great read. It offers something for everyone, from those starting out to those that have been immersed in Tropheus for years.

The photography is superb and the digital edition combines photography with videos. The videos really takes the title of the book to another level.

I like the depth of scientific information that has been included.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those that have read and those that haven't read this great book I have located one of the articles that Ad Konings refered to in the book. It was an article written by Gerard Tijsseling wrote entitled breeding Tropheus the Natural Way.

Ad discussed that breeding females when they were ready to release their fry they would move out of their territory and into the shallow. Release the fry into the jumble of rocks close to the shore where there was increased protection from predators amongst the jumble of rocks. There was also a increased food supply due to the higher levels of sunlight promoting algal growth. Tijsseling took Konings observations and developed a tank setup that accommodated this natural behaviour.


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