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Hi there

What are peoples thoughts on Seachem matrix vs Marinepure, what would you choose and why?

I have been told that bio balls actually do worse for your tank than good do you agree?

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both Matrix and Marinepure are designed to be submerged

while bio balls are designed to be in the flow stream or intake

area of a sump above water level or in an overhead outlet

Matrix and Marinepure can be used in a sump but submerged

in one of the sections

for a canister I use Matrix above the mechanical initial coarse filter

media and below the fine media

another bio alternative is K1 media but this needs to contained

and fluidised or kept in motion

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I've heard good things about marinepure. But I've already purchased 20L of Matrix to overfilter my sumps :)

Bioballs work best for wet dry sumps; with spinning arms or drip plates. It filters and also aerates the water very effectively.

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