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83cm L x 42cm W (100ltr) for cichilds


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Hello, i've recently started getting into aquariums and have a 70ltr community tank with 2 silver dollars, 1 angel and 2 gouramis and want to start a cichild tank. I recently got a tank for free its 82cm l x 42cm w x 36cm H and i was wondering is this too small for cichilds? Or will the ground space being a longer tank be ok? If ok how many should i put in and what type of fish? The tank has been cycling for 1 week so far it has 1 chinese sucker.

Thanks brent

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Electric blues would be too big, mainganos maybe a bit to aggressive for that size tank, a few yellows should be ok....maybe look into dwarf cichlids....

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if i was you i would talk to Andrew about some fish for that size tank what would be good to put in there

and he can help u out with what fish to get and maybe get the fish u want

he runs Labyrinth fish store and he is on here as Andrew send him a pm about it


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Thanks for the recommendations, guys!

Yes, Cobalts, Maingano, etc. are too aggressive for the 100L setup. I tend to lean in favour of less aggressive "Haps", such as any Aulonocara, Protomelas, Placidochromis, etc. Electric Yellows will be fine, as will several Vic species, too.

Kribs like acidic water to thrive best, and I feel they're not that well suited to the rift lake display aquarium. Many Tangs are modestly sized and could suit too.


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