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Female horei holding?


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Hey guys

My female horei is currently holding for the first time. I can see that her mouth is swollen and whenever it opens it's mouth I can see the egg.

But the male is keeping on attacking it. And it won't take longer to spit or swallow the eggs.

If have an idea on what to do plzzzzz advice?



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I strongly recommend placing the male in a fry saver so he has no access to her. C. horei is frighteningly rough on females and an Aqua One 3ft is vastly insufficient for keeping and breeding this species successfully.

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Did you place the male in fry saver? Or the female? If you placed the female in it, simply mark 21 days from spawning date on your calendar and strip the fry on the due date. The fry can then be raised in the fry saver or in another tank.

If the male is in the fry saver, the female should be safe in the aquarium until the 21 days is up, and you can do the same with her as above.

Do you have a separate aquarium at all? My principal concern is that you will lose your other fish to a male C. horei in the 3ft tank. They are legendary for their aggression and people with much bigger tanks can still have serious problems.


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I think the problem is it sounds like he doesn't have many females

or even possible only 1 female is the problem?

And yes they can get aggressive but i have

30 in a 3 foot tank breeding myself

with also some Cyrtocara Moori

And to talk about aggressive and wife beaters

my Pseudotropheus Polit male is

up to about his 20-30th females!

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Currently have a breeding trio in a 4 footer, with bottom rockwork and high rock work, the female tend to hide in the high places once the male start attacking, if they retreat to the bottom areas the male will find them, so my advice is try to create some high hiding spots, the females will find them a treat. Never had a problem yet.

Good luck

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get more girls to spread the aggression and you should be fine i've had alot of aggressive males over the years but aslong as there are enough females the aggression will be spread out as opposed to your male just beating his only girl

i guess the best example would be tropheus the males are known for being over aggressive and its recommended that you keep them in groups of atleast 7 i think the same goes for any cichlid that doesn't form a pair i myself don't keep colonies smaller than 20 fish and have had no problems with aggression

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