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peacocks stick to one side of tank


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There could be a number of reason. There may be aggression from other fish, your aquascaping, low stocking rate or they may need a bit of time to settle in. Can you provide some more information on your setup i.e tank size, species, number of fish etc.

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i have a 3foot tank 2females one male sulphur crested peacock a cobalt blue male all same size and i see no aggression i have had them in tank now for 4 or 5days.i have hollow logs some texas holy rocks and live plant and some fake..they seem to sit other end of filter if that helps

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Tank to me seems a ittle on the small side for those fish (cobalt male ) would be the one i would keep my eye on

also when adding new fish i would also empty the tank of all rock work ,put the fish in and the next day add the ornaments

this should break up any territorys that have already been formed

hope that helps


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