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Different sizes


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Hi all,

Has any mixed small fronnies (6cm) with larger fronnies (25cm) with no casulties?

I have a colony of kits which are around the 6cm size and was thinking of purchasing some larger ones.

I don't want to loose any as finding smaller kits are hard these days.

Thanks for all the help guys.

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I have smaller mpimbwe and kigoma, around the size you mention, with larger ones and haven't lost any yet. I think adding larger fish to a settled group of smaller fish is safer than the other way around.

But it is a risk. You know the rule with fronties. If its small enough to fit in their mouth ........ I'd be thinking twice just cause of the $$ involved.

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hey mrfixxxit I actually got my larger 5 first then got another group of 5 all fry 3cm a few weeks later and a few months after that got another 4 fry 3cm ..... I first had the lot of 5 fry seperate but needed the tank free so they had to go in with larger ones and were fine and have been ever since.. I also keep some small calvus and colony of cyps with them with out any issues so far... It is always a risk with any cichlids i guess and may come down to individual fish.. but for now mine all seem fine and happy.. all the fronts hang together except for larger male does his own thing, and calvus tend to hang with cyps alot...good luck..let us know how you go..

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