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Mixing Africans with South Americans


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HI everyone

I am setting up a 6 x 2 x 2.5 display tank. I currently have alot of africans which i will be putting in the tank.

I have the following:



dimi comps





taiwan reef ect ect...... about 35 in total.

I have 1 south american chiclid. Its a geophagus red hump with them who is healthy and looking great.

I am aware that i cant have fish like red devils, flower horns, jack dempsy ect

I was wondering is anyone could let me know if there are any other South Americans that i could put with them?

South americans that i like are:

Texas chiclid

geophagus brazillians

parrot chiclid


I'd like to be sure that the fish i put with my africans will be okay before i go ahead and buy?

Does anyone have any other suggestions of South americans which are attractive display fish to go with my Africans?

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yeah mate, they like totally different water conditions. I would recommend not mixing them, unless you want unhappy fish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its a mixed bag really. The best advice is not to mix Africans with Americans.

Yet in saying that I have been in the situation of swapping tanks between the two and having fish I could not bear to part with.

My assumption was to at least try before selling the fish, in this case clown loaches, they thrived in the African tank.

So I guess if you are starting a new tank dont mix them.

If you already have some of each give it a try, Keeping a very close eye on the fish "that shouldn't be there"

Some are OK some are not.

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Hi Kaine

interesting statement

I'm guessing your new to the world of cichlids out side Africans and have been recommended the list or they are just fish that stand out to you ............ well done asking the questions you have :thumb

I have 1 south american chiclid. Its a geophagus red hump with them who is healthy and looking great.

I am aware that i cant have fish like red devils, flower horns, jack dempsy ect

I was wondering is anyone could let me know if there are any other South Americans that i could put with them?

South americans that i like are:

Texas chiclid

geophagus brazillians

parrot chiclid


Americans are divided into Central from Columbia up to Texas in the USA and South covering all areas south of Columbia

not all Americans are low ph fish

low ph fish are from blackwater riverine enviroments of South America

G. steindachneri (Red Hump) - A. citrinellum (Red Devil) - R. octofasciata (Jack Dempsey) - H.carpinte (what we call Texas) - G.brasiliensis - H.nigaraguense (what we call Parrot before the Frankenfish arrived) - A. festae are fine in hard alkaline but may not be compatable with the Africans you list and I would only have the G. steindachneri with the Africans you list

while the other fish will be fine while still juveniles they will change in temprament as they get over 10cm and the hormones start to kick in

as far as the Frankenfish like Flowerhorns and Red Parrots each to their own but not on here :no:

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Thanks Chris for taking the time to explain all that, i now have a better understanding of Americans. I wont be getting too carried away with mixing then with the africans.

Do you think the Geo Brazilliens or Geo Horse face would be okay? if i buy a juvi or will they turn once they get too big?

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