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Fish Advice


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Hi im new to the ACE web sight and im new to the fish world.

Ii have recently set up a 4"2"2" tank and i currently have 2 frontosers,2 red emperas and 2 princess bacardis (hope i have spelt and have the names correct)

I am keen to get some new fish, can anyone point me in the right direction on where to find sales on this sight at all.

And what fish would you reccomend for a begginer with my size tank and fish i have already.

Any advice and or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers BMR

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Firstly you should apply for access to the classified forum.

You could try some electric blues &yellows they should do well with the fish you already have & need similiar water conditions.

Have a look through some of the old posts there is a lot of information here.

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Thanks Surtac i have applied for the classifieds but i can only see classified for herp ?? And from what i can gather this is reptiles ??

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:raisehand: Welcome to ACE forums BMR

to gain access to the classifieds check the link


all the answer to your questions are here then fill in the form at the bottom

and sent to the admin you will get a reply over the next couple of days

note that you will need an email address other than free mail ones like

hotmail or gmail

also have a look at the NSW Cichlid Society meetings at Moorebank

first Sat night of the month except march, october (auction days) and

december (xmas party) but the April meeting has been pospone till

the 14th due to easter

meeting details can be found here


or the club website here


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Thanks Link2hell, Im hopeing to get all the help i need from ACE as im new to fish and i realy have no idear.

I have applied for the classified but i can only see classifieds for Herp and from what i can gather Herp are reptiles. Or am i looking the wrong section ?

Any one know if the christmas fulu would be suited to my tank ??

Also a few bumble bees ?

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Thanks Link2hell, Im hopeing to get all the help i need from ACE as im new to fish and i realy have no idear.

I have applied for the classified but i can only see classifieds for Herp and from what i can gather Herp are reptiles. Or am i looking the wrong section ?

Any one know if the christmas fulu would be suited to my tank ??

Also a few bumble bees ?

Also red top black bars ??

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