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Sydney water


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Hey guys,

For some reason over the last couple of months my american fry have not been hatching...about 20 batches have not hatched...has anyone experienced the same stuff? Got a feeling that due to so much wet weather Sydney water have been dosing our supply up and its affecting the eggs....when I get the few that maybe do hatch they are weak as anything.

Its not the tank as I have a few tanks with many breeding pairs...any clues?

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Appreciate your feedback...when you say the water is hard...do you refer to PH being too alkaline or carbonate hardness? The PH is pretty stable as I always have it about neutral maybe slightly blue.......and have bred basically all the americans successfully...

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Elapid you will find large central americans come from

alkaline water

not all american cichlids are low pH fish

I'm not really sure what your point is? I didn't mention pH, I mentioned hardness.......

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