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plumbing problem, how to stop gurgling?


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this is my new setup


this is the overflow


its really loud, wondering if anybody had any ideas on how to dampen the sound, i've tried looking for an S bend/trap but they don't make them in 25mm diameter, now i'm thinking of making an inline s bend, or heating some pipe and bending it

anyone got any better ideas before i waste time and money on something that might not even work?

thanks, joel.

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Simple solution..

Put a tap on the end of each outlet and restrict it so that the water level in the above tank stays above the drain...

Works a treat but can take a while to get it perfect.


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Durso stand pipe is what you are after. Google them, they are simple to make and will all but silence the noise

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One other option to think about is to set up a simple syphon system - have the inlet just below the level of your existing overflow. Most of the water would go via the syphon and the existing overflow would then be a back up in case the syphon broke. This will be a reasonably (totally?) silent system. I have a durso arrangement but I still use a syphon for the main draining. (If you put your ear to the monitor you can just hear it :lol5: )

I use the black 19mm garden irrigation tubing for my syphon - though you could use PVC pipe. Put a small tap on to re-start the syphon on when it breaks - i have a 4mm tube. LEt me know if you want pictures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the one that drains into the filter is silent, but the one that drains into another tanks brings alot of air down with it, and so theres a bubbling sound but its no where near as bad as the gurgling, i'm not joking when i say it sounded a bit like i was on an airplane taking off


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