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why is there sperm in my tank! also tiny red round bug?


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i messed up the tank moving things around , and hour later or so i was doing some inspection, I saw a red round bug with few legs on the black pebbles! so i had no choice but to do SUPER inspection! (windex then eye ball literally touching the glass! lol)

Now at this microscopic level I was to see a few sperms!!!! (tail wiggled as well so it must be alive).

I googled but could not find any explanation.

Please help me! Oh fish seem to be fine, except some times I see them have it fit for a sec?? and occasional scratching (but thats normal).


ps I found this post, and it what I have ...


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hi ben,

it's not Planaria. I have that as well but this thing looks like sperm! round head and thin tail!

oh I definitely wash my hands before touching the aquarium so it can't be mine :)

I was gonna take photo but found out my bloody camera broke!

ok so any other suggestion?

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It probably is sperm then. Dont let your misses near the tank for a while until it dies. Make sure you keep the lids on too. These strongest ones can jump!

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Are you keeping any shelldwellers in the tank?

It isnt sperm, you cant see individual sperm with the naked eye.

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no shell dwellers but I do have transcriptus gombe (i doubt it as I know what their fry looks like) or it could be ghost knife? (doubt it as I could only get eggs so far).

my best guess is some sort of parasite??

i'll get a camera soon.

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