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I am looking for "true" Green Terror Cichlids (andinoacara rivulatus)

I understand that a lot of people sell Gold Saum/Gold edge Rivulatus as Green Terrors but they are not the original fish

Does anyone know where i can get them? or if they are even still available in Australia?

Any help will be great, Thanks

GOLD SAUM http://www.livefish.com.au/tropicals/cichlids/american/rivulatus-gold-saum-4cm.html

GREEN TERROR http://www.livefish.com.au/tropicals/cichlids/american/blue-acara-7cm.html

Copied this post from a local forum i posted on, had no response so thought id try here too.

Anyone with any info as to what has happened to these fish would be great.


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first :raisehand: welcome to ACE forums

there are 2 forms the gold saum and the white saum

the gold saum has been classified as A. rivulatus and the white has been given

it's own species A. stalsbergi after Alf Stalsberg

your first link shows a gold saum male and the second link shows a gold saum female

what exactly are you looking for ? :blink

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Thanks for the welcome.

Im not an expert but im not sure that is correct as ive been told by a fish expert last night. This guy is 60+ and has been importing cichlids for 30+ years. Id rather not mention his name as he is doing everything he can to get me the True Green Terrors and as that is illegal i dont want to cause him problems. (he's very well known in the aquarium industry)

He told me that "True Green Terrors" have been banned (at least in victoria).

He used to import Green Terrors in the early 90's, he said that Gold Saum (AEQUIDENS RIVULATUS) and True Green Terrors (ANDINOACARA RIVULATUS) are certainly a different fish.

In his words Green Terrors are "Pure Evil" and will kill anything that is put in its tank, and as you prob know, Gold Saum can live happily with other similar Cichlids in the right environment.

Since the banning of True Green Terrors 15 or so years back, people have been selling Gold Saum as Green Terrors when infact they are not.

I have also been told by the importer on www.livefish.com.au that he has not seen True Green Terrors for a long long time. The Green Terrors dont look as spectacular as the Saums and are very very aggresive.

As Gold Saums have been called Green Terrors for some time now, most people dont know anything different.

If anyone has any more info would love to hear about it as it seems many people have different views on the subject


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What it looks like is there is a change in genus name.

It also looks like the what everyone calls the silver Saum is the "Real" Green terror. I have not kept up with SA cichlid taxonomy so don't know the current names.

Gold Saum and Silver Saum possibly same or 2 different species (debate about this) and F1 True Green Terrors are a different species again

I think half the problem in Australia is we are so far away from the source that LFS can tell you whatever they want you to believe and we just take it as gospel, sad but true. Would love to go to the states and see some truly amazing wild caught fish

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Read this whole page and it explains it all

http://www.thewaters...p?showtopic=525, Saums come from Ecuador and True Green Terrors from Peru (generally) and major differences in appearance, behaviour etc.

Glad i found this page and hopefully i can get these fish over here (doubt it but hopefull)

also confirmed by Jeff Rapps at

http://www.tangledupincichlids.com/ (highly regarded "American" fish expert)

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the same situation is held with the Carpintus (Texas complex) where they are now looking at geographic variences

unfortunately we are not able to keep up with new or reclassified species due to our import laws unlike Jeff Rapps

(nice guy BTW) who has access to wild caught species and Alf Stalsberg we goes on collecting trips and can send

fish back to Germany

what we have is what we have in most cases and what we have are the 2 forms of Rivulatus that have been out here

well before the rediscovery and renaming process from 2004

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Im not putting down the Saums btw, i have 4 juve's at home myself and they are great little fish so far and will look stunning when all grown up.

Has anyone had any experience importing fish from overseas?? I imagine it would be expensive to do so and possiblt very hard to get them through quarantine

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the same situation is held with the Carpintus (Texas complex) where they are now looking at geographic variences

unfortunately we are not able to keep up with new or reclassified species due to our import laws unlike Jeff Rapps

(nice guy BTW) who has access to wild caught species and Alf Stalsberg we goes on collecting trips and can send

fish back to Germany

what we have is what we have in most cases and what we have are the 2 forms of Rivulatus that have been out here

well before the rediscovery and renaming process from 2004

thanks for your help too mate, i have had this same question on another forum for ages with no reply :))

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