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lombardoi too agro?


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I'm wanting to set up a mixed sex mbuna tank which is 6ft x 14 x 18 with heaps of filtration and rock work/hidey holes. I already have some adult yellow tail acei, juvie yellow labs and ruben red peacocks in another tank. Will I be able to add 1M3M Metriaclima lombardoi in the mix? Or will they make too much trouble?

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Hey Dazzman!

They're pretty mean mate - IMO something smaller and less psycho, like Ps. saulosi should get you the same colours without the upset. Another good one could be Met. "Msobo Magunga".

It's a decent tank size, so you might be alright with Lombardoi, but I think you would need plenty of refuges for their victims...


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My colony of M. lombardoi was in a 6ft tank as part of a mixed Mbuna tank. They were okay when they were younger but once they got into the swing of breeding they were relentless in their desire to chase the other fish around the tank. I ended up moving them into a separate tank and increased the number of females to share the agression.

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no, i definately would not keep any fry. no wierdo's in my tanks thanks, he he.

i still have some Saulosi fry (even though i sold my adult colony) i just thought it would be better to keep a few female lomardoi rather than a few male Saulosi to get the blue barred look i like. Safer that way as long as they female lombardoi weren't nasty.

so that's the consensus then, just females will be ok?

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