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Hi Guys,

I recently watch The Big Year, movie about Birding or birdwatching in the states. It just pop up as an idea that we can do the same thing with Cichlids with similar rules and regulations, we can do it as a big year as well and some sort of competition. What do you recon?


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I understand what you see as the benefits for that kind of list.

But I think there is probably a reason why nobody ever really knows definitively who has what in the rarer fish department. Sure sometimes you know of a few dribs and drabs, but generally nothing very far reaching.

So any competition where someone announces publicly that they spotted 'species x' in 'person y's fishroom is going to get someone in trouble with person y I would think?

That's just my impressions of the hobby at large.

Certainly it would be cool to know that there are still fish around when everyone thought the species died out in this country in the 90's - but I think asking for people to prove who has what for a competition may lead to bad blood.

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coff splutter cringe... this really hurts to say but... ducksta is spot on

This isn't so much about hobbyists being innately secretive or cliquey but a precaution: rare/expensive/unique fish seem to attract the attention of low-lives who think they can make a quick buck breaking into fishrooms and purloining some.

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I can get around paying Ducksta the compliment by saying ...... chorrylan is spot on

Twitching is a common thing amongst the bird watching community here in Australia and overseas. Even I have been involved in a Twitchathon or two. I have also been involved in a photo Twitchathon which involved people taking photos of the birds they see.

We could have a Cichlid Twitchathon which involve people taking photos of cichlid species.

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This is not about who owns rare cichlids but to know someone who has seen it. We dont have to reveal who owns what but who sees what, with picture of course. Ged Im not familiar with twitching but sounds interesting.

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