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new american tank.....


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Hey Guys, heres a pic of my newly unfinished aquascape that im hoping to house a

colony of Geophagus Altifrons ...

ive kept tropheus up untill today i sold my beloved Tropheus Duboisi Maswa colony :(

time for change .....

anyhow , ive gone for the tahition moon sand for substrate only becauase i had it laying around .

im hoping it doesnt make the fish look to dark? but bring colour out?

any ideas on wat i should fill the middle part of the tank with ..

plants on outside are fake but am wanting to replace or add real plants?

also tank mates for geos? something that wont efect there breeding ....

any opinion welcome ....







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very nice Peter I keep peppermints with my geos , but they are pretty easy to keep with any non agro Americans ie Uaru, chocolates, Angels , Rams etc but the chocolates would deter breeding if large enough. Are you having any luck with your colony or is it pretty quiet out there ? .You might want to introduce some fish to keep the god bio in your filter turning over , regards


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Thanks Pat,

Mate they seem to be pretty hard to come by ........

One of those things when you are not looking there everywhere then when you want theres nothing ....

Heres an updated pic with a couple of extra plants ,




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Tank looks great, I wouldnt add anything else in so they have more swimming space and you get to see them more. Always kept a lot of rocks with my Africans but since I converted to Americans I like some room :-).

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hey chris , thanx for sharing that mate ...

they look awsome..

im gona hav a look at some tetras just not sure which ones yet ...

do the geos leave them alone or do they hav to be a certain size so they dont get eaten ??

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Congratulations on the spawns.

The incubation period is 3-4 days but they will not become free swimming for another couple of weeks as afar as I know. As I haven't kept them don't quote me.

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Cheers Ged, theyve actualy picked the eggs up ?? is this normal for these guys ?

they left behind a small amount of unfertalised eggs ... i noticed today the female scaring off another fish and a couple

of eggs fell out and she quikly scooped them up ..

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That is one of the interesting things about the geophagine group.

Some are delayed mouth brooders and will pick up the eggs 1-24 hours after they have been laid on a flat surface. This is what you have observed. These are ovophilic mouthbrooders. They will hold onto the fry for 14 days and will release the fry into a sheltered section of the tank.

Others will wait for the fry to hatch and will then take up the newly hatched fry for two weeks until the egg sac has been absorbed. These are larvo mouthbrooders.

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