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How/when to relocate tank and contents after recent spawn?


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Hi there!

I am hoping to move my entire set-up; tank and its contents down to my new place as soon as I can. I have already, with the help of my local aquarium shop, devised what I think is a good plan. HOWEVER, due to the fact I have had a recent spawn (julidochromis marlieri), I am wondering when will be an appropriate time for the move?

I don't want to stress the fry OR the parents. There is currently heaps of rocks, caves and therefore hiding places in the tank at the moment, that I will inevitably need to move in order to catch all the fish and bag them up. BUT I'm hesitant to remove these hiding places and expose the vulnerable fry to the rest of the fish in the tank.

The fry are currently around the 10-12mm mark. And I do not have any other tanks running at the moment that I could use as a holding tank, but DO have a couple of small empty ones I could set up to use for this purpose if needs be.

Any suggestions or advice?

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The move is about a 40 minute drive. I'm moving a 4ft tank (approx 220L) into a 5ft curved front tank.

I originally bought the second tank so I could move everything gradually, but realised this was going to be a very lengthy process, both from only introducing a few fish at a time to the new tank spaced apart, and all the trips in between to do this.

So now the plan is to hire about ten 20L buckets/drums and move all the water from the existing tank, as well as the fish from inside it, into the new tank, and then fill the rest with fresh water. The idea is that the water conditions should stay relatively the same, and the the fresh/tap water added will just act as a water change.

Also, I will be taking the filter I am currently running, as well as all the media it is filled with, and connecting that to the new tank so the biological media (I think that's what you call it?) stays the same and aids the adjustment process.

Does this all sound feasible?

If this IS possible, I think I'll stick with this plan, but my main issue is just how to safely move the fry without disrupting them too much.

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The move is about a 40 minute drive. so long as the filter medium is wet you will stilll have enough live bacteria

So now the plan is to hire about ten 20L buckets/drums and move all the water from the existing tank, just set the second tank up and get it running with a filter that has live bacteria first

as well as the fish from inside it, into the new tank, and then fill the rest with fresh water. no need to move everything in one go if the second tank is running

Also, I will be taking the filter I am currently running, as well as all the media it is filled with, and connecting that to the new tank so the biological media (I think that's what you call it?) stays the same and aids the adjustment process. get a second filter running and seed it quick with some of the original filter medium and it will reduce the load while you transfer everything

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Firstly, thanks for all the advice!

Secondly, a few more bits of info:

The filter I am currently running is an Eheim. My back up filter is an Aqua One that I don't yet have filter medium for. This is another reason I had happily accepted to prospect of doing it all in one trip: so I can keep the Eheim running on my main tank, and to save me buying all the filter medium for the Aqua One.

The idea was to keep the Eheim completely full of water during the move to increase the chance of all the live bacteria surviving, and so it can start running as soon as I get it to the new place.

To address a couple of your points:

Just set the second tank up and get it running with a filter that has live bacteria first - If I was to do it this way, and the bacteria survives the journey, how long should I have it running before I start introducing the fish?

No need to move everything in one go if the second tank is running - Part of the appeal of doing it in one go is so I could get everything in sooner, and I've been procrastinating for a couple of months now... Plus the less trips back and forth the better. I was told a while back that you should only introduce 4-5 fish MAX at a time, if you are running a new tank. And you should space the introduction of the groups of 4-5 fish about 5 days apart. Meaning if I was to follow that guide, it would take me a few weeks to get ALL my fish into the new tank...

A couple of final questions:

1. Do you think doing it all in one go (using the above method: hiring 10 20L buckets etc) is plausible AND safe?

2. Will the fry be able to handle the move at their size/age? If I bag all the fish up separately and keep the fry with each other, and set up all the rocks in the new tank before putting the fry in, do you think they will be safe from attack? They are my main priority, I am confident the other fish are all hardy enough now to survive the journey.

Cheers again!

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I have moved a 4x2x2 with a colony of 50 tropheus moliro in 1 go before

Put as many litres of your tank water as you can in buckets with lids put the fish into a seperate bucket or bag

Move the tank tip the water back in and the fish set up your filter and heaters and begin land scaping

Not as hard as you would think just requires a few people to get all the water there in 1 go

I lost no fish with this method or fry

Good luck with the move

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Thanks rowie! Good to hear someone has done it successfully! Considering I want my tank in our new place ASAP I think this is the most efficient way to go. The only issue is catching/transporting the fry.

Have you (or anyone else) got any recommendations in this department? Eg:

  • HOW to catch them? Main thing being to avoid as much as possible exposing them the rest of the bigger fish.
  • When, compared to the rest of the fish, to both take them out of their current tank as well as when to put them in the new one?
  • Any particular way to landscape the new tank to ensure they adapt comfortably?


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