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Are the Gymgeophagus Sp. Still around?


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Following Spencer Jacks talks I have been trying to source some but just cant seem to find any around, Have these been lost, I believe if these will be lost it would be a very sad day for the cichlid community in Australia.

May be the NSWCS can commence a breeding program for them (Just a thought)


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Hi guys

G. balzanii are out there but when they were breeding there

were so many around they were put in the common basket

and all this after being brought back from the brink at least

2 or 3 times I know of

there was a refresh of blood line in Melb last year so maybe


there have been a couple of others come through but I think

they are lost now

still waiting for some one to crack the B. cupido "santerem"

that are out here


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Their Still around, If anyone Has a Few Males or Knows someone Mate in Perth would be keen, His currently got 3 females and no males :(

i heard the breeding pair in Melb Died? I know theirs some other balzanii up in QLD too..

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Male Balzanii are the weak link as they can and most do develop HIH

this is been found to be controlable if they are winter down to 12-15*C

according to information from europe & US on their keeping

they also don't handle high temps well

only time will tell if we can find enough to bring them back again

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I managed to get 4 of the balzaniis from Melbourne last year, and a mate 3... His bred all the time and he wasn't even trying, mine, I did multiple water changes on a weekly basis, live mosquito larvae and blackworms and no luck... Sadly mine have all died... I found them really fuzzy and easily spooked, I couldn't house them by themselves as they wouldn't come out and eat... In fact I lost a really nice specimen the very next day after adding rathbuni tetras trying to replicate a biotope - damn you rathbuni!

All I can say is that at least 10 fish are somewhere in WA living the good life.

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