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Imagine a power cut when you are away and your tank temp is dropping down and this piece sends you a tweet to inform you. This would be ideal for fishroom as well.


What do you think guys?


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I have heard about this. Only thing that i could think is that would need a UPS to power the Wireless modem its connecting to so it can tweet, when the power goes out. Could be easier just to have your chiller/heater on a UPS anyway, you just wont have anything tweeting you when the chiller/heater is on UPS power. Arduino also ahve something like this that you can make yours self. I bought a kit a month ago with intentions of creating a computer for my 4x4 that tells my all temps, RPMS, and my speed, water levels in my water tanks, aswell as any errors.

It would take alittle more to program than the one above, except the options are pretty much endless with the arduino.


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So your power is cut, but the electric thermometer triggering the alerts to be sent from an electric monitoring device is running?

If you have a UPS and keeping things like this running - you're wasting the limited backup power you have available.

Save the filtration (or if not practical just keep up airation), stop feeding, and fish will cope for a couple of days without heaters. Better than you will cope with the stress of getting a random fish alert while you're away :-P

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