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Dither Fish for Tangs


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Just wondering what peoples thoughts are on suitable dither fish for tangs? Im aware i could use a cyprichromis/paracyp to fill that need, but from what i can see, they arent terribly colourful... i could be wrong, but i think its just the males that are colourful, with females pretty drab looking?

Ive read that rainbow fish can be suitable, but they seem to prefer a different diet to tangs to really show off their colours... I could be wrong, as i havent kept them before, so id be happy to be corrected, as there are some really nice looking ones around.

What about barbs? There are some reasonable sized barbs around that are pretty colourful, but just not sure on their preferred water chemistry...

Anyways, any suggestions would be helpful.


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most tangs arn't incredibly colourful. but it will look far more natural if you keep with a specific lake or biotope. there is a tang rainbow, but i doubt they're in australia.

you haven't started stocking your tank yet, have you? i think youll find that they mightn't need dither fish, providing you don't put too many species in so that they hide due to aggression.

and female cyps are colourful in their own way. they won't be noticable across a room, but up close they are a nice cream/silver colour with a bright yellow anal fin and subtle patterns of gray with white highlights on the dorsal fin. some of mine have a slight blue edging to the anal fin as well.

i wouldn't try barbs, i think they would nip fins...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I keep lots of Tangs (11 species) and lots of rainbows(37 species) and many of my tanks have both.The New Guinea ones are adapted to hard alkaline water.As far as diet goes they area also very adaptable but do appreciate veggies.Ones that make good ditherfish would be G incisus,M.lacustrus,M.boesmani and M parkinsoni,these are tough,colouful and relatively easy to get.The Aussie rainbows can be kept in hard alkaline water but its often not their natural conditions.M trifasciata is a tough and colourful one esp Goyders.

I mainly keep my rainbows with Lamps (incl Altos and shellies)and julies.My Cyps ,sandsifters and featherfins are kept in species tanks.

I dont think the Tanganykan killi is in Australia Ive not seen one for 20 years,they are terrible jumpers;but Id kill for some

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I would be happy if i could get a hold of the Tangyanikan Killifish (Lamprichthys tanganicanus), but i doubt its in Australia...

They were here and someone may still have some out there (but dont know of any), they were found to be very difficult to keep, mainly after they were transferred to other tanks etc, it is beleived that they need to be netted and baged without being exposed to air (kept underwater at all times) , as that would upset the slime coating leaving them to infection. Australian smelt is also another fish that possibly transfer better that way as well, as quite a few of those would also perish once exposed to air compared to the ones moved being kept under water.

The last time i heard they were here was 5 or 6 years ago when some eggs mysteriously appeard around the traps

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