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Watch - Sail Fin Pleco Grow


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Thats some nice photos of a nice fish :notworthy:

As far as fast growing fish goes this fish (an annual killifish) can grow 10 cm in 6-8 weeks making it one of the fastest growing vertebrates,but also one of the shortest lived.

They spend most of their life in peatmoss in a cupboard in my fishroom :blink :blink


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Cool thing about these fellas, I used to have a huge one.

They can survive fairly long periods out of water due to the fact they can absorb oxygen out of the air, more so then even other pleco types. I used to take mine out of the tank to show the kids all the time, he actually loved it, used to come towards my hands.

They used this ability to traverse short distances between dried up ponds or lakes, they are more capable then most of there pleco brothers at moving on land. most plecos slither on land, these fellas almost run, looks funny. Have a wet dry tank to see them in there true glory, used to love my poor old fella.

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haha yes they do, until they get bigger and just can't get in the nooks and cranies anymore hehe

Mine used to lie across the top of all my rocks spanning about a foot and a half in length. People used to come around and go what the heck is that lol

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Thats some nice photos of a nice fish :notworthy:

As far as fast growing fish goes this fish (an annual killifish) can grow 10 cm in 6-8 weeks making it one of the fastest growing vertebrates,but also one of the shortest lived.

They spend most of their life in peatmoss in a cupboard in my fishroom :blink :blink


How long do they live for in an aquarium? I know in the wild they dont last long, but i heard in an aquarium they can last a bit longer

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Stop Hi jacking my thread :p

Back on topic lol

It has the designated L-numbers L083 and L165.

Which L Number is my one?


Is it a male or female?

Wiki Link : http://en.wikipedia....hthys_gibbiceps

It is almost impossible to recognize male from female.

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All good, thanks

Someone on here must know...

It has the designated L-numbers L083 and L165.

Which L Number is my one?


Is it a male or female?

Wiki Link : http://en.wikipedia....hthys_gibbiceps

It is almost impossible to recognize male from female.

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That's an awesome looking fish. Would I be able to have one with my other tank mates. Currently I have a jack Dempsey, green Texas, green terror, Synspillum, and some BN catfish. The fish don't bother the catfish would they bother one of these?

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Should be fine, they grow quite large so if you can find a bigger one than your current fish they shouldn't go at it.... The pleco actually owns everything else in the tank, he/she just grows so fast! lol

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