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Treating/Cleaning Driftwood?


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Hey guys, currently up the coast for uni prac teaching and looking to score some big pieces of driftwood from the river up here. How do I/what do I need to clean it and make it tank friendly?



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Boiling is best for river pieces, being as you have them big thou I would put them in your bath and pour boiling water over them then just fill the bath up with hot water and let it sit.

If/When the bath water turns brownish, drain it and repeat.

Another method is to use bleach to kill anything living in there. But I wouldn't recommend that with something like wood that can hold the bleach inside for ages.

EDIT: spelling

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Condys crystals (potassium permanganate) can't remember the ratio

but a google search should get that

you can use it as a soak with new plants also

remember it can stain rocks

for the tannins that leach it's just soak and rinse and re soak .................


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If it's a good piece of drift wood that's been around for ages, you probably won't get any tannins.....ie: your water may not discolour much, as it's already been weathered and naturally soaked.

You do need to be careful about any "bugs" or bacteria in the wood. The boiling water is a good way to clean it. I'd do it a couple of times though just to be sure, then let it sit in the sun for a while to dry out.

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yeah i've used peices from mangroves, they come with their own share of nasties though, i generally let them bake in the sun for a week then soak until it sinks, i soaked my bits for about a month and they still leached tannins in the tank for about 3 months, also give them a good scrub with a coarse brush, although if you've got a pressure hose use that

make sure its hardwood or your bns will be tearing chunks off that will make the water look yuk, a good way to test is by pressing your fingernail into it, you'll barely be able to leave a mark on hardwood, if the wood is too soft it will rot away in the tank

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