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ochrogeny's fry dieing


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recently stripped some ochrogenys.

i have placed the fry in a container in the main tank. they have been growing in there and have now lost their egg sacs.

i have noticed twice now that when i have removed the lid to look at them and to feed them that some go in a spasm and die before hitting the bottom of the container. how can i feed them or observe them without having them freak out and die so suddenly?

any help guys?


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Tangka it may just be how you look but ............ sorry couldn't resist

make sure there is water movement in the fry save with the main tank water

as youngTang fry can be very succeptable to water conditions if there is not

enough transfer of tank water into the fry saver

also consider putting some spawning moss in with them to give them a sence of cover


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Yes, I was trying to get at what Link said.

I mean movement of clean fresh water over the fry is highly important.

Look at those 2 vids to see what I mean, see how the fry are moving all the time ? And they get fresh water from the main tank.

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Nodalizer by Tangka's post his fry are free swimming in a fry save so past the egg tumbling stage

IMHO I think the eggs are tumbling too fast in the second vid and should be like the first vid as all

you need them to do is just move like in the mothers mouth


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Sounds like Sudden Shock Syndrome (also called various other things). Supposedly happens when fry dont get the right nutrients either from their mother (egg nutrients) or the food you are feeding them. Its pretty common in saltwater fish, particularly if fry aren't getting enough HUFA (Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids).

I've only experienced it once before with freshwater fish, had some LG6 whiptail fry die in the same manner, would get a fright, swim a little/ spasm, then die. I was feeding them brine shrimp nauplli so I enriched the nauplii with vitamins (Kent Marine Zoe if I remember correctly) and it seemed to solve the problem because it never happened again. It was also the first brood I ever had and it was just after I got the parents. I suspect the parents weren't too well fed. Thats why it pays to feed your brood stock with quality food, you may pay extra for the food but you'll get quality fry.

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also have another idea for you

- ditch the fries saver

- ditch comercial made tumbler

buying list:

- plastic strainer - 2 bucks

- 2 foot tank - 20 bucks

- 25w heater - 10 bucks

- sponge filter - 10 bucks

- air pump - 10 bucks

all up: 50 bucks

if you shop wisely, max 30 bucks


tumbling the eggs in the strainer say a week or two

like the one below:

then let them out


3 months later

sell one and recover the lot!

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Thanks guys

Got them in a 2ft tank so should be hopefully good now.

Will they be able to find food in a 2 ft tank now?

Also I got a few more batches coming through, will they be ok if I placed them with this lot once they lose their egg sacs, or will the older fry kill them?

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  • 6 months later...

it's an old thread but I know they are finicky fish.

when I strip mine (after a month), this way they are fully formed and stronger. I used to dump it in the fry saver first but I don't do this anymore. I notice the ochrogenys won't eat their siblings, so the new frys are added to the main fry tank directly. I have had no casualty this way.

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