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Malawis and stingrays


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Nice m/f ratio for breeding A. christyi. Seems to be there are only A. christyi in Queensland and Perth at the moment. Looking at the MalawiDreams forums, Perth has some great large Malawi haps that we don't see that much over here - like A. christyi & C.Caerleus. I haven't seen any around NSW. If you ever need a home for some A. christyi fry, I would be eager to take some off your hands. I have been trying to breed L. Acuticeps lately, another cool large Malawi hap. Good luck.


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Malawi sand diver - I got rid of the majority of my malawis recently. Getting back into keeping tankbusters. Just kept a few of my faves plus my colony of Christyi. Hopefully get some fry out of them in the not too distant future. Too nice of a fish to not be readily available in Aus, or even worse, become 'lost'.

pjmowens - rays are eating hikari carnivor pellets, fish fillets and a bit of prawn.

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If you keep your tank as is the only fish you will have left in the near future will be the Jack. The rest will become expensive feeders. lol

I have a 50cm Jack that was brought up in a community, he was soon relocated into his own 8ft tank.

Nice fish.

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Kl3ggy they are freshwater rays

Motoro pups are down to about $400- $500 ea now

Leo's are harder to find and dearer

Awesome thanks for the info, will have to do some reasearch on them. I saw a saltwater ray on the weekend while scuba diving at Julian Rocks off Byron Bay, it was huge probably 5' wide atleast, trying to bury itself under the sand. They are trully beautiful creatures. :)

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Like Link2Hell said these are FW rays. Still get very large. To about 70cm across the disk in females.

These guys are growing fast. 2 I managed to get straight onto pellets, and they have grown amazingly fast. Comparable to something like a red tailed catfish, which I have found very surprising. The other two were only worm eaters to begin with. But have since been converted to chopped fish fillets and prawn pieces, still wont touch pellets though. The two non-pellet eaters are starting to put on some size now too which is nice. Great animals to keepp, really majestic. I'd hate to tally the hours I have spent watching them, especially at feeding time!

Can get some massive SW rays, I unfortunately catch them all the time while mulloway and shark fishing. Put up a great fight.


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