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Fish Pond questions


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Hi everyone, just a few questions on fish ponds. I'm planning to build a 4500 litre pond in my backyard and was just wondering what methods people have used or seen to waterproof the pond. I think the liner looks cheap so I'm considering a different alternative. Also should I still use the same rule of thumb we use in aquariums regarding water filtration turnover rate?

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Hi everyone, just a few questions on fish ponds. I'm planning to build a 3500 litre pond in my backyard and was just wondering what methods people have used or seen to waterproof the pond. I think the liner looks cheap so I'm considering a different alternative. Also should I still use the same rule of thumb we use in aquariums regarding water filtration turnover rate?

i cemented mine , then painted it with the tar pond sealer.....

Before you place the black plastic down to lay the cement , we found it pays the have a good thick layer of sand in the hole first , it helps with movement and seems to stop cracking.

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Can anyone help with the filtration question? What kind of turnover would you recommend in a 4500L pond

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people with ponds this large, ive normally seen using home made filter systems, made from round plastic bins.

You dig a small section to 1 side for them to sit under ground so you dont see them, fill them full of some kind of bio media or scrubbies, and plumb them into the pond, atleased turn it over once every hour, depending on what your keeping too.

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Form it with wire or bricks and cement it, then seal it with something like pondtite...

I'd use a 200L drum for a filter with a minimum of 10,000lph pump. Thats assuming you will also have plants helping with filtration & O2 production otherwise 15,000lph+ IMO. And get a UV steriliser to help out with algae growth too...

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Thanks guys, I'm in the process of building the homemade filter system. Got myself a 200L water drum. Just trying to figure how i want to plumb it all in. I have a 10000Lph pump I'm not using and was just wondering if it was sufficient. I'm new to whole pond deal. What plant should be used and why?

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