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is this possible?


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Hi all just wondering if my venustus could have bred with a polystigma??? I think the polystigma could be a female as not showing any colours as yet .. but i have noticed the last 3 days the poly will not eat and keeps its mouth clamped shut...could i have mixed fry on the way??? :dntknw:

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cheers for answering lol.....im going to answer it as a yes i decided to move the fish into my new 5ft tank tonight and she spat about 6 into the net when caught LOL cute lil bobble eye things they were dont know if she got them up again or if theres more but i cant see any now in the tank the other monsters may have gobbled them up hehehehe im a .. a ... fish nana i spose lmao

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just thought i would reply again! Ha ha while giving my 620T a really good scrub n clean guess what i found...

now since moving the fish into 5footer the 620T has no lights no heater and no air stone running...

just the filter going i noticed about 200 trillion baby snails LOL

after syphoning the first 2 buckets of water out i seen something move in the rocks after i swept them all down one end!!

1 baby fishy survived =)))) and still goin bout 1cm big now and has the venustus pattern so far although its tiny and hides well we do get to see it now n then..

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The dreaded snails, only had problems with those in tanks I put any plants in so my Africans were clear but my Americans had a few outbreaks. My BN tank went nuts with them though, I stopped counting at 500 when I cleaned it out.

Glad to hear there was a survivor, be interesting to see what it looks like when bigger.

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