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M Johanni

Tank Aquariums

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Hey all

I have a colony of Melanochromis Johanni (Ps Johanni) and and am curious about the females. I have a clear dominant and sub-dominante male, and four females (dusky orange). However I have 3 other females whose colouration led me to beleive they were sub-males however they are holding eggs. Their colour is dusty blue/grey/orange combo. (I tries photos but they were crap)

Any ideas?

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Hey all

I have a colony of Melanochromis Johanni (Ps Johanni) and and am curious about the females. I have a clear dominant and sub-dominante male, and four females (dusky orange). However I have 3 other females whose colouration led me to beleive they were sub-males however they are holding eggs. Their colour is dusty blue/grey/orange combo. (I tries photos but they were crap)

Any ideas?

Hi Paul

Do you have the proper Johani or CheckerBoard

The males should look alot like Maingarno and the females a orange version



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have found it common in the Melanochromis genus. It could be the fact that the females are quite aggressive amongst each other. I have had this with M. interruptus and M. auratus in the past. The auratus actually looked better than the dominant male then proceeded to hold eggs :roll

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