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Tocantins with mouth full

pat williamson

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Hi this might sound like a silly question but I am going to ask anyway. I currently have a pair of Altifrons Tocantins in a tank by themselves. They laid eggs today and immediately took them into their mouth (as expected ). They both seem to have some each , the question is do people still drop some food into their tank whilst the parents are holding or not ?. From what I read they may hold up to 10 days or more , so would availability of food tempt them to drop the bubs or does shortage temp them to eat ?. Thanks in advance


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pat you can still feed them a bit mate. they will just spit the eggs for a short time while they eat. mine used to feed one at a time. while one spat them the other picked them all up for a short time then swapped

don't over feed though, you don't want excess food sitting around.

if they don't eat (especially the female) don't stress... they will be fine for 10 days with no food.

usually the male wont have any problem spitting out the eggs to grab a bite to eat. my old female was much more worried about the fry.

just make sure if she doesn't eat much over the next few weeks while she is buy tending to her spawn that you separate the pair before the next spawn to fatten her up and condition her

congrats on the spawn too mate... that didn't take long!

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Thx Mat , I was hoping you would have a few glimmers in the memory bank . So far so good she still seems to have a full mouth , just trying to leave them alone as much as possible.

I was surprised it was so quick although they may well have had a go a couple of times in Jothys tank but with all those plants logs and other fish it may well have gone unnoticed . Hope it all goes well , the male of the pair is an absolutely stunning fish , regards


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Just FYI

the fish from the rio Tocantins traded as G. sp. aff. altifrons 'Tocantins' is now described as G. neambi

Taken from SeriuoslyFish.com

I'm not totally convinced.... they are saying G. aereos and G. altifrons are the same fish :confused: There aren't many pics of aereos around but they look totally different to altifrons.

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yeah hope so , they have gone really skittish now , not sure why ,they were fine before they bred. I did have another Tocantins female in with them before they bred which I removed prior to them laying the eggs. They might need a bit of a dither fish in with them to get them going again .

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