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breeding brine shrimp


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hi everyone,

can someone please give me step by step instructions on how to breed brine shrimp? i am really confused on what to do, like if i buy the adults and put them in a tank with an airstone will they breed just like that? or do i need to start with eggs?

someone please help.

also is it safe to feed shrimps to cichlids? like red cherries? or are the shells of them dangerous for the cichlids?

thanks in advance.

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Are you trying to hatch brine shrimp or breed brine shrimp? I used to breed brine shrimp in small above ground swim pools quite easily but its easy to overfeed them. I would only recommend breeding them if you want adult artemia to feed off as collecting the eggs/cysts is not economical on such a small scale. They produce enough eggs to keep your populations going though.

If you use a pool, send me a PM as there are a few tricks to avoid.

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Just feed the newly hatched artemia. You won't be able to raise in a small tank and newly hatched have the most nutrition since they still have unused egg reserves.

There is plenty of info online about how to hatch artemia so I won't go into any detail.

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