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4x2x2 discus tank journal


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G'day some may have read some of my posts over the past few months regarding a discus tank I wanted to set up, I'm almost at the stage of getting the discus so thought I would share the progress to date.

Tank is a 4x2x2, filtration eheim pro II 2028 canister (soon to be replaced), heating 2 x 300w Jager, lighting Aqualina 4 tube compacts running 4 x 10k 55w plant growth tubes.

Plants are a mix of natives and the usual sword and crypt types ( I do have a list if anyone wants it). Substrate is a mix of 60kg 2mm "red" gravel and 3 bags eco-complete.

Inhabitants at the moment 20 x rosy neon tetra, 20 x glowlight tetra, 2 x common bristlenose.

Inhabitants to come, 6 to 10 corydoras sterbai, 5 x 10cm discus.

Temp 27.5C, PH 7.0, GH 30 ppm, KH 10 ppm, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates zero.

The "oh crud" moment when I realised I didnt layer the substrate properly and decided to mix them up.

IPB Image

The plants and large piece of wood added, starting to look like a tank again.

IPB Image

Dither fish in the tank, plants starting to settle a bit and can see the back of the tank :-)

IPB Image

The plants should fill out the tank nicely once established properly, the crowning moment will be when the discus are in and have settled down too.

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  • 6 months later...

The tank hasnt quite worked out as I had hoped unfortunately. I lost most of the plants I put in after those shots were taken, lack of nutrients is the suspected cause as they flourished then died.

There are now 5 discus in the tank, I lost 2 near adult pigeon bloods......................they were poor specimens with a lot of fenetic defects including what seemed to be failing eyesight and eventually just went and hid in a corner for a couple of weeks before I euthanised them. There are around 10 rosey tetras (man made strain), 20 glowlights, 3 adult siamese algae eaters, 4 corries and an ever growing male bristlenose.

I'll get a shot or two of the fish tomorrow and maybe try a video on the iphone.

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry I never got around to doing the pics of the tank, dropped my cam and the casing cracked. I got my cousin to take some shots but so far I havent even seen them myself! Also more bad news (sort of) I expect the discus to be sold this weekend and the fish in my angels tank will be moving in. I love the discus but I need to start getting a little money back to spend on the hobby and with 3 breeding pairs of koi angels in the tank it will leave me with a spare to have a go at taking the eggs and hatching them as they dont last the night with the catfish.

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Final pic of the discus before they were sold over the weekend. I have a lot of floating plants at the right hand side so its very dark in the photo but not that bad in real life, they loved to hang out under there.


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Tx for the comments guys, as with all my fish that I have had to move on it was a sad moment but thigs need to change now and then. Below is a pic of the same tank minus the floating plants with the angels and other residents out of the ar980, they are having a ball! The light colored things on the bottom are bathroom tiles I'm hoping the angels will spawn on so I can retrieve the eggs...................of course they are all going to use the wood its Murphy's law of fish keeping :-).


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Lol you were close Chris, the first spawn was on the leaves. Was really hoping they would use the tiles, been told that none will survive if they lay them on leaves and I take the leaf out to the other tank.

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ROFL the other pair spawned on the intake pipe last night! I removed the broad leaf plant so the first pair have the option of the glass, the wood and the tiles...............I just know it wont be the tiles!

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