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Advice for a newbie


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Hi guys this is only my 2nd fish tank (the other was a 1 footer with a goldfish and 3 danio's :p) Its a 6x14x18 300ishl. Running a 2200l canister a fluval 300w heater & twin t8's one white one growlux. Stocking atm is:

4 clown loaches

2x brislenoses

1 peppermint plec

3x lombardi

4x auratus

4x hongi

4x red zeb's

2x saulosi

2x regani

The plan is to move the regani & saulosi on to a safer home soon b4 the auratus breed. Now my reason for posting is the auratus are acting strangely. I bought 3 originally and they all turned out to be female, so i got a male 2xdays ago and put him into the tank. I did it @ lights out and even reearanged the rockwork b4 this was done. My 7cm red zebra is the boss of the tank atm and didnt bat an eyelid @ him. But the female auratus have gone crazy... They are fighting amongst themselves and the one that seems to be winning is chasing the male around and circling with him for a moment then bites him & the chase resumes. Is this odd? It seems like a really strange version of courting behavior that i have read about unless i have my wires crossed.

Any opinions on the stocking and possible issues would be appreciated.


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Those auratus are a tough fish & will take on larger fish not a problem

7cm is small for your Red Zeb ,What sex is the auratus,Female yellow, male turn into a dark purple with black stripe?

Your running the risk of cross breeding with 3-Ps's in there.

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Those auratus are a tough fish & will take on larger fish not a problem

7cm is small for your Red Zeb ,What sex is the auratus,Female yellow, male turn into a dark purple with black stripe?

Your running the risk of cross breeding with 3-Ps's in there.

Yeah the fry wont be for sale so thats not much of an issue really. It seems now i may actually have 2 males in there as one of the "females" is a fair bit darker than before, Though not as dark as the "male" and these are the two that seem to be fighting the most. I take it the issues with crossbreeding are between the zebs + lombardi? As the saulosi will be leaving shortly they are not much of a concern, As the coloring on my zebs is washy at best i am considering swapping them out before the tank gets too established and replacing them with another fish. Does anyone have any suggestions of a fish with no xbreeding issues + will be able to hold its own in my tank?

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