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HELP with nitrate....


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Hi All

Here is my situation i had a tank full of fish die...used test kit API was showing all good... Went out and bought SERA nitrate test kit showed nitrate through the roof 100mg +..... i will never use api test kits again i had a disaster a few months back and i am sure it was same problem and test kit showed perfect..

Now it has been 2 weeks many water changes big ones small ones and its down to 50mg nitrate..

any secrets ?

i have plants in tank to help reduce but still 50 mg and many water changes any other suggestions..

I have no idea what made the nitrate so high only had 18 fish in tank all around 5-7cm standard 4ft tank 2 filters canister and aquaclear 500..

I tested the water from the tap for nitrate was good..

I need some secrets how to reduce the nitrates from this tank cause its taking too long..

thanks in advance..

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Have you gently rinsed out the canister media in a bucket of tank water?

How often do you gravel vac?

A dead fish caught in rocks can cause nitrates to spike.

Excess food sucked into the filter will increase nitrates more than expected.

It could be a combination of things. The API test kit might simply be out of date? I have never had a problem with any API kit that is still in its use by.

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Nitrate can be removed using the following methods;

- Frequent water changes

- Use of plants (Will only work effectively with LOTS of plants or fast growing species ie Duckweed)

- Use of filtration methods that encourage the growth of anaerobic bacteria that convert nitrate to nitrogen gas that then diffuses into air. Filtration methods can be nitrate filters, filter media such as matrix (Pond matrix is much better then normal matrix) or dead liverock or use of a algae/turf scrubber. The first two encourage the growth of anaerobic bacteria because deep inside the media they have areas with little to no oxygen and the algae scrubbers grows algae which consume nitrates the same way plants do.

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There is a known issue with API Nitrate kit that one of the agents (I think its vial 2) will crystallize after a while. Apparently you need to bang it on a desk/table a few times and then shake it for a couple of minutes.

Here found the info : API Test kit info

PS. If you want some duckweed, let me know.



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Nitrate can be removed using the following methods;

- Frequent water changes

- Use of plants (Will only work effectively with LOTS of plants or fast growing species ie Duckweed)

- Use of filtration methods that encourage the growth of anaerobic bacteria that convert nitrate to nitrogen gas that then diffuses into air. Filtration methods can be nitrate filters, filter media such as matrix (Pond matrix is much better then normal matrix) or dead liverock or use of a algae/turf scrubber. The first two encourage the growth of anaerobic bacteria because deep inside the media they have areas with little to no oxygen and the algae scrubbers grows algae which consume nitrates the same way plants do.

Top answer.

I'd also suggest cleaning filters if you haven't done so recently as dirty filters can be a nitrate source. Lastly cut back on feeding - You can effectively feed less NLS (than measure for measure with other dry foods) and have the fish correctly fed = less nitrate.

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