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sam w

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Hi Guys,

I am having a go at mixing a few Africans in my American tank. My tank sits at a PH range of 7.4-7.6 naturally.

In order to accommodate the Africans I am thinking of getting it up to say 7.8. Will raising the KH by adding things like shell grit/coral naturally raise my tanks PH barring in mind the tap water is about 7.6 (which is what I use for water changes).

Not looking for people to point out problems with mixing fish there are lots of Varied opinions on this.

Americans are Geos, SeVrum, Oscar

Africans are Red Empress

Other - Pleco, BN

I think a PH of 7.8 should keep everyone happy, as the American are fine with the 7.4-7.6 range

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7.6 - 7.8 should be fine depending on if the Red Empress have come

from a tank that has been buffed to 8.0+ and boosted hardness in

which case just use a drip to stage them down for the tank

I would be more inclined to keep an eye on the Oscars and Severums

for HIH if you boost what your water too far


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Central americans would do well in African water (although would probably murder the africans)

Those from South America would not be naturally evolved to live in very alkaline water,although some Amazonian waters (white water esp)can vary alot during the season.You may need to compromise and have water thats not ideal for any of the fish you mention.

Its probably best to have either an "Amazonian" tank with Geos severums oscars etc or a rift lake tank. Behavioral differences esp in relation to aggression response can cause additional problems in mixed tanks,just my opinion

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Central americans would do well in African water (although would probably murder the africans)

Those from South America would not be naturally evolved to live in very alkaline water,although some Amazonian waters (white water esp)can vary alot during the season.You may need to compromise and have water thats not ideal for any of the fish you mention.

Its probably best to have either an "Amazonian" tank with Geos severums oscars etc or a rift lake tank. Behavioral differences esp in relation to aggression response can cause additional problems in mixed tanks,just my opinion

Thanks for thoughts. I am just experimenting with a small colony of red emperors and as they are very good quality I am sure I will be able to find a buyer if it doesn't work out.

I would love two tanks but I cant justify having 2 8ft tanks. I will leave water conditions as they are 7.6ish. It will be a lot of continual work to get the ph down as the tap water is about that.

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