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Does female Electric Blue become a male?


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Hi all

I have a colony of Electric Blue 2m and 4f, all the females have bred before. But last 2 months ago, all the females are starting show up colour and now their colour exactly the same colour as the male. Does anyone has the same problem? Now they are not breeding anymore, they all about 2 year old by now.

I feed them daily with Aqua One cichlids colourbit which i bought from LFS. Does this food causing this problem?



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:shock: Did they breed for you or were you told they were female. No female E/B has the colour of a male.What size were they when you got them and size now.If you have a larger male they other boys will not show their colour till older so they dont get picked on. What size tank they in. Food is not any problem. I'm thinking they aren't breeding as they are all male.
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Changing sex happens a lot with salt water reef fish, but not with freshwater fish, especially with African Cichlids.

There may be some exceptions or none at all, but definately not with the species you are referring to.

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thanks for respond guy. I did find out very weird with my Electric Blue females have the same colour as male. And yes, they did breed for me, i still have alot of fries in growing tank. Just strip 2 female in the last couple weeks and each female gave me 50 to 60 fries.

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my mates female Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus and Fossorochromis rostratus started to look like males when he was feeding aqua one discus pellets, to the point were if i hadn't seen the fry i would of told him it was a male coloring up, he has sine changed his food to nls and they are starting to look like females again, i cant remember were but i have red an article on some foods containing hormones to enhance color doing this to your fish. they also would not spawn while they looked like males

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are you trying to say that the crap color enhancing food does not do this to your fish?

All i said was ,,, try reading this ??.

Crap food,,, as you say,, will ,,,,make females Look like male's in some sort of way. But it makes the male an even falser colour.

How many people buy these fish and get them home and fed normal food and wonder why they lose a lot of there colour.

One shop in Canley Vale has heaps of peacocks like this.

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a link to the use of using hormonal treatments. in trout and what it does to the fish i am sure the same thing is happening in our hobby


so don't assume that your "female" was a male waiting to color up

these crappy foods, inbreeding and hybrids are slowly killing our hobby IMO. i make a point in my tanks to only source f1 stock and feed only nls, sure it costs a bit more but the end result is much better

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are you trying to say that the crap color enhancing food does not do this to your fish?

I can guarantee that "color enhancing food" containing hormones makes our males more colorful, your females will soon look like males and since the hormones are out of balance the will probably stop breeding.

I had this issue because i mixed a couple of different foods together - and in the mix i put a small jar of color enhancing pellets in as well

As soon as I stopped the females turned grey again...

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