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my young Pepps fighting video


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Have to agree with Foti here... Is there a female in the tank? How big are these peps? Tank looks pretty green, what else is in it?

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They are really going at it, not seen that happen before so glad you posted it. I've seen my biggest female BN having a bit of biff with 1 of my orange spot gibbs but your guys make mine look like they were playing :-)

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They do fight now and then but not to much there is also about 15 more pepps at around the same size 6cm-7cm , plus common b/nosesx10 + bronze corys x8+ J.Onatus x8+ some rainbows x 3 + feather fin catfish x3

The tank is a 6x2x2 full planted tank with lots and lots of rock and driftwood.

so lots of room and hide hole for them to fight over temp is set around 26c hardness of 150ppm kh and a ph of 6.9

And I cannot tell if they a male or female

I think I have answered all of the questions :dntknw:

Outbackdean :thumbup:

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