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6 bar frontosa


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just wonderin with fronnies, ok 7 bar fronnies have a couple of different kinds or variety, so i was wonderin do the 6 bar have different varietys an if so what are they called an what to look for in the difference betweeen them so i dont cross breed

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Here is a list taken from cyphos.com of the main frontosa variants. Keep in mind that we do not have majority of these collection points in any large numbers in Australia;

Cyphotilapia Frontosa

Variant: Burundi (In the future, this variant will possibly be classified into a new species)

Collection Points:

Bulu Point




Zaire North

Variant: Kigoma / 7 Stripe (In the future, this will likely be the only fish classified as Frontosa)

Collection Points:




Cyphotilapia Gibberosa

Variant: Tanzania or Southern Tanzania

Collection Points:

Fulwe Rocks (Fulwe)








Samazi / Bismark



Variant: Zambian

Collection Points:





Variant: Zaire (Congo, DR) or Southern Zaire (Congo, DR)

Collection Points:

Kalumba (Collected at Lupota?)



Moba (Collected at M'Toto)



So yes there are many different variants of frontosa which have six bars, but I think within Australia at this stage it would be extremely uncommon to buy a 6 bar frontosa of another variant without being told about it as they inccur a high cost. As always though the best way to ensure you don't cross breed is to ask for pictures or view the fish before purchase and if possible see the parents.

I'll post up some sure sign ways to identify frontosa variants in the morning when I have more time.

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If you are buying the Aussie 6 bars then you can assume the are just that, our own version.

The differences between the "new" variants are quite obvious, when you can view them side by side. the differences in body shape is really obvious and the colors (blues mainly) are different in each location.

As has been said, if you are buying from a decent breeder price will be a good gauge, but most people are giving them locations now, so it should be pretty easy to get pure fish.

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well i am glad i asked that question i had heard a couple of them , wernt sure if they were 6 or 7 bar though, this whole forum is awsome with great wealth of information , an photos of other setups an kind people to help out others askin questions . No matter what i have asked , some one has always replyed , THANKS :thumbup::thumbup: guys

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Yea it is an awesome forum hey. I cant wait until im back into fishkeeping again when space permits (which will hopefully be pretty soon) so i can start posting on here frequently again. Plenty of great people with heaps of advice to share.

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