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german rams


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hello i purchased some rams some time ago sold to me as longfins but i beleive that they are german rams one larger than the other as they are ment to be a pair !

was wondering if someone could help me with directing me to a post/artical on these guys or just tell me what to look for regurding sexing and breeding

i am keeping them in a 40 ltr tank with a L168 and 2 other fish "which im trying to also id" temp is 29 deg ph is 7 the tank has lost of plants"fake" bogwood and slate but is bare bottom would they spawn in this enviroment ?

the other 2 fish look like a baracuda but they have like a snout, the botom of there mouth continues! were the top just stops normal and only the top half opens!

i know very weird i try to get a pick if you guys are having trouble understanding me

thank you


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hi foti

the fish in that pic is called a halfbeak and are livebearers like guppies . the family name is i think Hemirhamphidae hope this helps

yes thank you :thumbup:

any sugestions on experiances keeping them ?

can i keep them with the above list

"L168 rams"?

and if anyone can sugest a profile or artical regurding rams :yes:

once again thank you guys :thumbup:

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This is one of the sites I visited before getting a few for my tank, hope it helps.


yes and thank you it has helped me

lucky you sent this i had done some searches and thort that i figured them out

till i read that if black is presant on pelvic fins its not a male ?

its really late to check now but i think il take some photos means moving alot of fake plant lol

"the larger one had a pointy dorsal fin strong dot but it had black on anal fins ? i think i have to check again "

once again thank you all for all your help :thumbup:

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This is one of the sites I visited before getting a few for my tank, hope it helps.


yes and thank you it has helped me

lucky you sent this i had done some searches and thort that i figured them out

till i read that if black is presant on pelvic fins its not a male ?

its really late to check now but i think il take some photos means moving alot of fake plant lol

"the larger one had a pointy dorsal fin strong dot but it had black on anal fins ? i think i have to check again "

once again thank you all for all your help :thumbup:

I would not agree that the black on the oelvic is a good sex determination - in order the best IMO are - pink stomach (never on a male), spangles in black spot, overall shape. Constant line breeding has made telling the sex of some lines a real problem.


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A pair of Rams

Rams are one of my favourites...... :thumb

Gingerbeer's description is spot on...

My advise.....if you see a tank of rams and have trouble sexing them....walk out and go to another shop.

Quality Rams in Good condition will pair up in a LFS tank.....females will get pink bellies,males will be a little bit bigger....there will be no mistaking a pair

If I find Good ones....I buy a pair....I bought the ones in the photo when I wasn't looking for rams....they caught my eye!

My setup to breed Rams

sand substrate

plenty of live plants....java moss/java fern anubias........I also use duckweed....but this maybe too much maintenance for some

real driftwood...I use snails to clean up uneaten food

slate/flatstones to lay eggs on

Soft water.....50% rainwater

warm water.....28-30c

Live food...black worms

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some males show extended first few rays in the dorsal

females show more spangles in the black body spot

the anal fin on males will extend past the start of the tail

(showing these traits in the pic above)

but it is usually best to buy a group and let them pair off


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some males show extended first few rays in the dorsal

females show more spangles in the black body spot

the anal fin on males will extend past the start of the tail

(showing these traits in the pic above)

but it is usually best to buy a group and let them pair off


To Rod54 Thats a very nice pic of your rams they look awsome . do you have a blue light to help enhance there colour or something like that :thumbup:

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all day today iv been converting some tanks to put them in on there own

in a 600x450x450 sand "plastic plants" slate 2 rocks and a holow ceramic tree trunk

il take pics tomorro to post but yes i have 1 male & 1 female

the male has a longer point on its anal fin but the same as far as the front fins i do beleie that they are quality so please check this post tomoro would like to know if they are in your own opinon

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stuffed up the sand that i put with i guess small traces of coral that i trancfered from another tank so i had to take it out probably go bunings over thenext cupple days and get some i want to add live plants to there tank so should i lay some kind of soil down first ?

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A pair of Rams

Rams are one of my favourites...... :thumb

Gingerbeer's description is spot on...

My advise.....if you see a tank of rams and have trouble sexing them....walk out and go to another shop.

Quality Rams in Good condition will pair up in a LFS tank.....females will get pink bellies,males will be a little bit bigger....there will be no mistaking a pair

If I find Good ones....I buy a pair....I bought the ones in the photo when I wasn't looking for rams....they caught my eye!

My setup to breed Rams

sand substrate

plenty of live plants....java moss/java fern anubias........I also use duckweed....but this maybe too much maintenance for some

real driftwood...I use snails to clean up uneaten food

slate/flatstones to lay eggs on

Soft water.....50% rainwater

warm water.....28-30c

Live food...black worms

Nice comments there :thumbup: Makes me want to get some rams and start trying to breed them... (if only there was space)

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