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blk calvus


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got a couple of photos of the new calvus on the point n shoot the other night,

dont laugh to hard haha

IPB Image

young pair forming? they where dancing round with each other for round an hr taking turns to

show off at the other...

IPB Image

this is the dominant male from the first pic seems to be running the show atm..

IPB Image

one of the younger females chillin mid water waiting for food..


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Hi there,are you going by colour saying that is your dominant male in the second photo?

Looking at your photo,i can bet my bottom dollar that is a female.

You positive you havn't got 2 females?

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hey ,

going by colour, size and behaviour.

ive got 6 calvus, 2 are larger and darker and more aggressive than the other 4.

will soon see when i get some shells in the tank.

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Hi there,are you going by colour saying that is your dominant male in the second photo?

Looking at your photo,i can bet my bottom dollar that is a female.

You positive you havn't got 2 females?

I'd bet my bottom dollar on albie, aka "Mr Calvus" being right :thumb:yes:

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