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Cryptoheros sajica & spilurus


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Hi Rod

nice pair of Sajica

they seem to have slipped into the background of the

hobby again good to see you might tip some back in

once they start breeding

Septemfaciatum are in the same complex and seem to

have gone into hiding also


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do you have any pics of the Spilurum

I know these were on the brink due to

hybridising with Convicts

I like Septems also and the ones we had

were the Costa Rican form with the really

nice copper colour in the females

Maybe one of the guys in Melb still have some


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that's a beautiful pair of sajicas you have there mate, reminds me of a sajica girl i had some years ago, nice, plump & lots of yellow/brown....same for the spilirus, nice male.... i find it odd how quickly these species seemed to have disappeared from the hobby in a matter of 2-3 years - a real shame.

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Thanks Gents

They aren't easy to find.....sure they aren't an allowable import.....but they aren't hard to bred either?

I've been looking for the sajica for a while after owning a nice pair many,many years ago.

Bought the spilurus off the net sight unseen....they were advertised as a"blue" variant of sajica

Found the "real" sajica at Pet City.....I think my first pick ended up to be 2 males so I took another try.....now I think I have at least 2 pair maybe 3....???

I don't think it will be long before I'm worrying about how to raise all the fry.....at least it's warmer now!

Some nice cousins and varieties on AquaBid.....but I'm happy with what I've got....for the moment ;)

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