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Re: Meleagris


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I have currently got 1 male and 2 females in a standard 2 ft tank.

The male breeds regularly with 1 of the females (who has currently young fry in her shell).

I have noticed that initially the female (who had fry) was chasing the other female to the extent she was staying most of time in her shell. I presume she was doing this to protect her fry. I added a rock to the tank and placed it between them which appeared to help.

Tonight I notice that the male is now chasing the same female who is staying in a top corner away from him.

Is this him trying to breed or is he trying to corner her to keep away from the fry?

Am I best to remove this female and leave only a pair in there? I had heard that he would breed between the two of them.

Thanks in advance.


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Thanks Bruce. I've removed her into a smaller tank on her own and she is much happier.

It's a bit of a bugger as I originally had another male however he died.

You are so encouraging!!!! Another male would be good. Since I don't have any more tank room could I put a male (if I am able to get one) in the smaller tank which is a 2ft with fixed divider in middle?



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Hey Tootie,

That may work. You just don't know how the female will take to a new male or vice versa. Putting them in a small space might not be that good.....for one of them. You know the other pair would be OK, but I'd be inclined to give the new pair some space to get used to each other.

I can't remember all the fish that you have at the moment, but if you're pressed for tank space you may be able to work some other combinations in the 2ft tank. I've got meleagris with a pair of brevis at the moment in a 2 foot, and another pair in with a small pair of alto's that have just started to attempt breeding in a 2fter. It would be best to have these on their own, but i think the only thing that would be affected in this combination is the number of fry. The adults seem fine and interact OK thus far.

There was an add for a single black occie on Petlink recently. It may have been a speciosus rather than a meleagris, I don't know. May be worth checking out.


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