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Maingano tank


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I dont check PH on any of my tanks, though i have had the tank water checked by a store. I refuse to be adding chemicals to get it how is 'sposed' to be so there really isnt any point

The substrate is sand mixed with shellgrit, the tank water i use in my tanks was pH8 last time i took in a sample (a yr or so back), i'm pretty sure the wood wont put that big a dent in the PH

They are still breeding, very active eating well so i'll go with they are happy with tank conditions

But thank you for the warning :)

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Ha ha ha :lol3:Nah tank looks great!

I will admit though, when you posted I thought to myself oh that's alot of wood. But looking at it reminds me of a simpler time, when I kept 1 tank simply for the enjoyment of watching the fish not concerned with anything else. Unlike now when the ph and hardness are tested several times a week. Good

on you and keep enjoying your fish!

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Foti ~ Its stocked with a maingano colony, a 15cm peppermint BN male and lots of juvenille common BN

The maingano breed like rabbits, i sold of 17 of the young the other day, and now notice another 10 or so swimming around!

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benfarrow ~ *L* Yep it certainly is a good chunk, and the tank is a dark shade of brown at the moment. I will do a water change tomorrow though to settle that. One the tannins are out, it shouldnt change the pH too much anyway. That piece of wood had been in a tank before for 12 months or so, and stopped leaching within a month. But i let it fully dry out, so now i have to wait for it to swell up right through again before it will stop again.

I find fish will adapt to most conditions, messing with chemicals can have horrid outcomes, safer to just leave things be, specially when things are all good :)

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That all being said, Craig's advice is always of the highest order. Yes fish will adapt to most conditions, but rarely do they thrive outside what evolution has dictated for them.

All things aside your tank looks good, would make a great looking home for some smaller central americans.

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Thanx YAL05T :)

I'm pretty confident the maingano are thriving in the tank, their color is vibrant. Such a gorgeous fish. My other half who tolerates my tank thing *L*, really likes the maingano, and he wouldnt let me get rid of them, not that i want to mind you!

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