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Clown loach in tang tank to get rid of snails?


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Hi Folks,

Have a tank which is now overrun by malaysian trumpet snails. Have read several topics on the forum and am thinking about putting my 2 medium size clown loaches in there with the hope of getting rid of them.

I have 6 small shellie comps in there and 4 small gold head comps. If I put the loaches in there with them are they likely to bother the fish that are already in there?

Thanks in advance.


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how medium is medium on the Clowns

and how small is small on the Alto's

Usually they don't annoy other fish but ........

worst case would be to get a group of small Clowns

and after the jobs done add them to the bigger ones


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Hi Chris,

Medium is about 7-8cms. The Altos are about 3 max.

I know the Clowns are peaceful but it may be safer to buy a few small ones to do the job.

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I'd personally purchase a group of say 4-6 small clownloaches @ 5cm. They will do the job just as well if not better because they are a schooling fish so the more you keep, the better they feel, the more inclined they are to eat. I'd wouldn't expect many baby fish to survive if your fish breed but the adults will be fine.

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