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To strip or not to strip


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Hi all

Want some free advice if possible

The other night at the auction I picked up a small colony of Crimson Tides, one of the girls is holding. I haven't introduced her to the tank yet, well not free swimming anyway, she's in one of those net breeders. I don't relly want her to spit in the net breeder as I've found the fry tend to get sucked out of them (never use them for fry anymore) but am not sure she's ready to strip yet.

She already has a fair amount of wasting, she's hollow gutted. She'd only be 5cm - 6 at a pinch. Doesn't look overly full of fry. Being as though I got her at the auction I don't know the seller so don't really know how long she's been holding.

What's the normal time for Crimson Tides to hold?

Should I just strip her now and be done with the guessing?

I have one of those you beaut Jehmco <sp> egg tumblers I picked up from Matthew so I should be right to keep them alive if they are undercooked.

All advice considered

Here's a not so good pic through the net breeder but I think it shows the little bit of wasting she has

IPB Image



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if she looks to have a bit of wasting, IMO i think you should strip her.

if the fry are old enough thats great, if not and you do loose them she will be holding again soon enough.

they breed like rabbits

i think your first priority is to get her eating and try and get her in good health then worry about her fry.

hope this helps.

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if she looks to have a bit of wasting, IMO i think you should strip her.

if the fry are old enough thats great, if not and you do loose them she will be holding again soon enough.

they breed like rabbits

i think your first priority is to get her eating and try and get her in good health then worry about her fry.

hope this helps.

Thanks Firth.

That's been my gut feeling so I think I'll get her out and strip her this arv.

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if she looks to have a bit of wasting, IMO i think you should strip her.

if the fry are old enough thats great, if not and you do loose them she will be holding again soon enough.

they breed like rabbits

i think your first priority is to get her eating and try and get her in good health then worry about her fry.

hope this helps.

I agree with the above comments :)

She has not only had the stress of holding the fry, but also the stress of going through an auction. I reckon she has done enough for this batch of fry.

Get some food into her :) Try keeping her separate from the boys until she regains her condition.



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Well IMO, if your experienced enough you should be-able to see the

development of the fry in her mouth... for crimson's its basically if you see

black then they are at the stage where they have at least heads and tails

(can be stripped at this stage). If you see mostly black then they are

developed to a good point and should be stripped without hesitation.

I believe that the parents ability to hold and keep fry without spitting is dependant

on numerous factors, one being the duration that they are able to

keep the fry on their first successful spawn before being stripped. By successful

I mean that the fry have been kept long enough to develop heads and tails or close

to where all their yolk sac has been depleted and are able to swim once released.

These fish are extremely hardy and can take alot before they let their tails up,

I have three that are currently holding and from what you've said about its size and going through

the auction, you have no reason to strip until the fry are developed seeing as the

fish has already managed the hard travel and change of tanks.

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Thanks for the replies and differing opinions. Makes the world go around

As it happens I did strip her this afternoon. She had a respectable 13 babies and I've got 11 (heads and tails) tumbling. I think I burst the sacs on 2 others during the stripping.

I did fully intend on keeping her seperate but she jumped out of the net breeder after I stripped her and I was mucking around putting the babes in the tumbler.

She went straight to the colony and has eaten tonight.

All should be well touchwood.

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Sounds like a good outcome Matt. Good luck with them

Thanks Bruce

So far so good.

Still got all 11 of the little tackers and the mother is right into the tucker.

Also, got 2 of the others I got from the auction holding now. Another is as fat as buddha and looks to have her ovipositor down as well


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