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some advice pls


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hey guys ,

just set my tank back up after a year of traveling around ,and i found my pump is a bit noisy .

was wondering if any one has found a pump that is really quite, my current pump pumps approx 6500l pH .

as well as that I've had the tank running for a week now with no fish and my water looks fuzzy and has a yellow tinge .

i will admit i didn't clean all my substrate and mini reef 100% , i was thinking of putting in some filter wool to try and clear it up what do u guys think ..

any help would be appreciated .

cheers terry :8 .

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Hi Terry

good quality activated charcoal will remove the yellow colour

but you really should have cleaned the old substrate to remove

anything trapped in it, I'm pressuming the tank was empty and

dry before you restarted it

you may need to use a floculate to take out particles in the water

maybe stir up the substrate and then syphon the residue out also

what are you using as a prefilter to the sump ?

what pump are you running ATM and is it just a worn shaft and

impellor problem

Eheims are great but $$$ and the Chinese copies are very good now

at a cheaper price have a look at Age of Aquariums site on the

sponsors bar top of the page or CLICK HERE

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hey guys ,

just set my tank back up after a year of traveling around ,and i found my pump is a bit noisy .

was wondering if any one has found a pump that is really quite, my current pump pumps approx 6500l pH .


Hi Terry,

I have been using OASE pumps for the last 6 yrs or so and never looked back. My first one was the Nepture series. It failed just before it ran out of warranty. Took it back to the shop and replaced with the Nautilus (just because the model I had was not produced anymore).

These pumps are dead silent. I can hardly notice it's even running. No vibration, no noise at all. They come with a hefty price tag though. Regardless, they serve my need as I was looking for quiet, powerfull, and economical pump. Currently I'm using Nautilus 350.




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