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what killed this fish?


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found this angel dead as a door nail today for no obvious reason. as far as i was aware it was fine yesterday. all other tank inhabitants are fine

is this a worm sticking out of it's mout or part of it's insides????

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pretty wild looking did you try and pull it out

i kind of did through the bag... if that makes sense

i think its attached to the fish

i think it may be it's prolapsed osepheogus.... maybe it choked on something

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pretty wild looking did you try and pull it out

i kind of did through the bag... if that makes sense

i think its attached to the fish

i think it may be it's prolapsed osepheogus.... maybe it choked on something

hey buddy

never seen that one before and ive killed a few angels in my time lol

cheers Cal

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pretty wild looking did you try and pull it out

i kind of did through the bag... if that makes sense

i think its attached to the fish

i think it may be it's prolapsed osepheogus.... maybe it choked on something

hey buddy

never seen that one before and ive killed a few angels in my time lol

cheers Cal

hey Cal, yeah i'm sure you have hahahaha

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