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point and shoot snaps


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took a couple of pics tonight...sorry about the dirty glass

just used the 'point and shoot' little camera and still got some nice pics

noticed this poor little guy that has somehow survived having both it's eyes pecked out by hungry angel juvies.... poor little bugger is missing both eyes but seems fat and healthy

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these are some of the angels that probably snacked on the bn's eyes....

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A male albino long fin bn sitting on some fry about 7 days old (you can just see them at the back of the cave)

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Some of my new Peruvian Angels (will hopefully breed them down the track)

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a close up of one of them...shows some interesting greenish tinge to them

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that's all for now

thanks for looking


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Nice shots! catfish survivability has astonished me a lot lately, had a small plec trapped under a rock and the cichlids stripped all the scales off both sides. Got him out when I saw it and seems they are starting to grow back and now that he isnt trapped the other fish leave it alone.

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