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new camera...some new pics


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it's just a little 'point and shoot' but it takes some ok pics

panasonic lumix fs15

first pic i have a question for everyone out there...

it's of a blue angel i recently purchased. when i saw it in the shop i could see that it's pectoral fins had been bitten off... i thought they would grow back but they have not grown at all since i have got it home. any ideas about if it will ever grow back????

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next couple of pics are of a golden angel (well technically marble because it has a tiny black fleck in it's tail) that is developing amazing finnage. it's starting to show amazingly long and simetrical fins. it's only a young adult and has paired with a black velvet. they have yet to spawn but they constantly clean leaves so it's only a matter of time...well maye maturity too. pics have been taken without flash

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as always your comments are welcomed



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A picture tells a 1000 stories.

Looks good. Point and shoot cameras do the job.

I doubt that the pectorial fins will grow back after been nipped so short. Its lucky to be alive.

You may have a black algea problem coming on. You might need to reduce your lighting.

You seem to know your Angels well. :clap

Are you trying for a particular morph?

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You seem to know your Angels well. :clap

Are you trying for a particular morph?

I'm planning on breeding the blues for sure because i don't know of anyone breeding them yet in Sydney anyway. One of the ones i have has a 'glitter' effect which i am particularly keen to reproduce. The blues where from Singapore

I've also recently picked up some Peruvians from Aquarium Glazer in Germany which i will try to breed

as far as the marbel and black velvet pair, i'm not particularly interested in breeding them buti have no angels breeding right now so i'll keep them around for a while. they are still young and don't know what they are doing yet. a mate of mine is interested in them once they get breeding.


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The blue angels fins look more deformed as in the never developed properly. I see the same problem and other similar problems in some of the fancier angels from inbreeding eg albinos, pearl scale.

when it was in the shop it still had some of one of them hanging off and i asked the shop owner what had happened and he said it was fighting with another angel so i suspect that they did form and came off during the fight.

i have seen what you're talking about once before but it was obviously deformed

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I use to have a gourami in a cichlid tank who's 'whiskers' (not sure of

the proper term were always cut or damaged due to aggression. Whilst in the tank they never grew back however if I put in isolation they were

back growing in very little time. If the cause for your angle is because of aggression then I would suggest putting it on its own and seeing if

they grow back...

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