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whats goin on?


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hey guys in the last couple of days all of my fish in my 6ft are just staying towards each end of the tank and not moving around much..??

all the water is good and i have an fx5 now and still internal, so my water is crystal clear and iam feeding good food?

just wonderiung why this would be???

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a jag, true parrot, convict, dempsey, red devil (female very quiet), oscar (very quiet), large sailfin pleco... all are still young. and plaenty of room and filtration now (6x2x2 tank with internal 2500lph and a fx5)

no fights...

no spawn ever...

on good NLF food

water nitrate at 0

water change done other day 35%

ph is just over 7...

its like they just dont like the middle of the tank or want to be active but everything checks out..??

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I agree with citypainter and azfish: it could well be either. You did say that your fish are fairly young, perhaps something ( the Jag maybe) is coming of age and beginning to flex some muscle. How long have you had your new filter and what sort of literage is it pumping out?

a jag, true parrot, convict, dempsey, red devil (female very quiet), oscar (very quiet), large sailfin pleco... all are still young. and plaenty of room and filtration now (6x2x2 tank with internal 2500lph and a fx5)

no fights...

no spawn ever...

on good NLF food

water nitrate at 0

water change done other day 35%

ph is just over 7...

its like they just dont like the middle of the tank or want to be active but everything checks out..??

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Are there any rocks in the middle of the tank? Or are all the rocks at opposite ends with nothing in between? If you have rocks that is.

If you dont, do you have something at either end that would cause the fish to hang around that location over another location in the tank? IE: something for the fish to hide or feel more secure being around?

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I used to have a tank full of young central americans at one stage which were housed with a large pleco. One day I noticed the fish were looking a little ragged and timid all of a sudden . This kept happening until one night I heard noises in the tank at night when the lights were off and found the large pleco was terrorizing the fish when the lights would go out. Never seen a pleco so aggressive before to other fish..

Also even though young your devil or jag may be bullying the others.

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that might be it... coz they are hanging down the end that would use the least amount of enery.. i will mix up the tank abit again but nt sure how i will stop the filter pushing them at one end( if thats it...) cheers for your replies guys.

oh yeah and my pleco from time to time be a weird sort aswell... didnt kno they was like that..

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that might be it... coz they are hanging down the end that would use the least amount of enery.. i will mix up the tank abit again but nt sure how i will stop the filter pushing them at one end( if thats it...) cheers for your replies guys.

oh yeah and my pleco from time to time be a weird sort aswell... didnt kno they was like that..

If it is it, move the outlet so the water sprays to the back of the tank

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that might be it... coz they are hanging down the end that would use the least amount of enery.. i will mix up the tank abit again but nt sure how i will stop the filter pushing them at one end( if thats it...) cheers for your replies guys.

oh yeah and my pleco from time to time be a weird sort aswell... didnt kno they was like that..

If it is it, move the outlet so the water sprays to the back of the tank

:thumbup: all better... thanks mate.. should have thought of that simple.

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that might be it... coz they are hanging down the end that would use the least amount of enery.. i will mix up the tank abit again but nt sure how i will stop the filter pushing them at one end( if thats it...) cheers for your replies guys.

oh yeah and my pleco from time to time be a weird sort aswell... didnt kno they was like that..

If it is it, move the outlet so the water sprays to the back of the tank

:thumbup: all better... thanks mate.. should have thought of that simple.

no worries bud glad i could help :thumbup:

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